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Becca Huxley
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Becca Huxley

Becca started practicing Yoga in 2012 whilst studying for her Psychology degree. Following along with YouTube videos in her university room, she quickly found it helped with the stress of study.

Becca left the UK in 2015 to travel, settling in New Zealand in 2018, always carrying her Yoga mat.

Yoga gradually became an important part of Becca's life as she noticed the benefits of not only the physical practice that made her feel strong and healthy, but the focus and calming effect it had on her mind. In 2021 she decided she wanted to deepen her practice further and share these benefits with others.

After completing her 200-hour YTT in 2021 Becca has continued to expand her knowledge online, as well as during two trips to India studying under renowned teachers. She found a close community within Ashtanga and hopes to continue making these trips as often as she can.

Becca currently teaches Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin and Prāṇāyāma. She focuses on giving students the guidance and encouragement to explore self inquiry in a supportive environment. Teaching students to create awareness through a mind, body and breath connection, her classes are supportive and inclusive.