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Munirah Burra
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Munirah Burra

Munirah first came to Dunedin from Uluru Australia in 1998 with her 2 year old daughter, a backpack and a pram with a plan to attend University. Munirah completed her teaching degree here but has often travelled between Australia and New Zealand with her daughter for work.

Munirah first dabbled in yoga around the start of the millennium in Alice Springs where she occasionally attended a Yin class in an enclosed room with no air conditioning. (Imagine, ‘accidental’ hot room in desert conditions). Munirah’s job at the time was teaching at risk youth in an alternate education setting. Yoga was suggested to her as a stress release.

It was 10 years later when Munirah tried Bikram for the first time right here at the Hot Yoga Dunedin Studio. Munirah loves the heat and the 26 + 2 practise for the way it makes her feel afterwards. Munirah believes it has reduced body aches and pains, improved sleep patterns and general sense of well-being and helped develop a greater resilience to deal with the stresses of work, daily life and modern living.

Kiwi born but a citizen of three countries, (New Zealand, Australia and UK), no matter which country Munirah lands in her favourite places are in a garden, at the beach, in her kitchen or at a hot yoga studio. What Munirah loves most about yoga is that you can practice anywhere and take it everywhere with you… to all of your favourite, and sometimes not so favourite places… yoga makes those not so favourite places better… body, mind and spirit.

Summer and Autumn are Munirah’s favourite seasons and she says, “Having somewhere warm to go and practice yoga during the Dunedin winter is like having a secret daily holiday destination.”